AU Staking

Unlock the full potential of your AU tokens with Aurelius’ streamlined staking module, which scales not just based on stake size, but your loyalty too.

Aurelius offers a user-friendly AU Staking Module built on the Cod3x Relic Framework. This system encourages long-term staking by offering time-weighted rewards, meaning the longer you stake, the more you earn. When you stake your AU tokens, you begin building maturity, which boosts your potential earnings over time. You can withdraw from the AU staking module at any time at the cost of any accrued maturity.

How it Works:

AU Stakers receive an aggregated flow of yield either directly or through discretionary buybacks.

  1. Lend Module Fees: Converted into mETH and MNT.

  2. aUSD Mint Fees: Earned in aUSD.

  3. aUSD Redemptions: Converted into AU.

Learn more about oAU here: [Link to oAU Docs]

Understanding Aurelius’ Revenue Streams

Aurelius generates revenue for AU stakers through two main channels:

  1. Lending Module: A portion of borrow-side interest is directed to the Aurelius treasury, converted into mETH or WMNT, and distributed to AU stakers.

  2. CDP Module: aUSD stablecoin users pay a small fee when minting aUSD, which accrues to AU stakers. aUSD loans can be used in redemptions to restore market price stability, this accrues a fee which is used to purchase AU off of the open market.

The Power of Time-Weighted Staking

The AU Relic records your staking maturity and applies a multiplier to reward your commitment. Over six months, your maturity builds up to a 1.5x multiplier, maximizing your rewards for long-term staking.

Where can I stake?

The staking module will become available on the front-end once available shortly after the AU Auction concludes.

Last updated